Thursday, March 24, 2011

Where in the world is Carmen Santiago?

OH  MY GOD, my left eye is bugging the crap out of me! Today there's like noone in the library and it makes me sad, though i get to sit next to Cassie BWAHAHA. Im such a stalker, and it makes me laugh. Im listening to Rise Against :P. I want their new album, so i think im gonna steal it from Alex when me and him hang out again.We're getting yelled at again to be quiet >:O  OH THATS IT!!! IM BLAMING KENNY FOR EVERYTHING NOW >:( I really don't know what to do today, because im just so out of it and cant really think straight today... Im super tired today and really dont feel like doing much of anything so yeah i probably wont type too much. OMG I LOVE BRING ME THE HORIZON!!!!!!!! Once again, im tired and bored and blah blah blah blah. Cassie doesn't seem to be doing much other than typing, and Kenny is over there >>> talking to Marcus about who knows what... I want to just go home and sleep like all day and not go to school tomorrow because i don't want to go to my friday detention :( So we all just started giving each other high-fives, for what reason??? i dont know. Im sooo bored so now im gonna end the post for today... nighty night peoples :P

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ok, so today wasn't the best day so far. I woke up this morning and my stomach hurt a bit, but that didnt really bug me too much. I got on the bus and sat down in my seat and realized that i had forgotten my book, so i was even more annoyed after that. I got to school and things seemed to calm down so i figured the rest of the day would be an easy day, and it was up till about around third period, where my stomach started to REALLY annoy the crap out of me. I slept/ sketched through the rest of the classes till lunch, and then after a decent lunch figured everything was fine, though after i went to Bio class i proceeded to be in the worst mood i've been in for a few days. i feel sick to my stomach and i sort of want to throw up, not to mention i have a splitting headache. Im supposed to spend a few hours with my girlfriend today but i may tell her to stay home today because i dont feel the greatest right now. Hopefully i'll feel better later. SO NOW!!! enough ranting on aobut my horrible day. SO does anyone here ACTUALLY know why the snow wont go away??? i want the snow to die.. like no joke... I WANT THE SNOW TO DIE. It's almost April and the snow STILL hasn't gone away. I wish i could just have the awesome ability to control nature for the ENTIRE WORLD, so i could make everyone in the world happy with whatever temperatures they wanted and whatnot. Melissa is a WINNAR!!! lol im such a stalker. Im the most boring typist ever... i feel like a robot when i type. So now we're all talking about how much pot Cassie smokes... LOL??? i dont really think she does... if she DOES then thats something new and i would've never guessed it. Man my head hurts so much right now it's not even funny, but enough about me and my headache. I was wondering if i should buy that sweet airsoft m16 off Danny or save up for a DS... i dont know what to choose because on one hand i really want a DS, but on the other hand i really want that m16, because it's almost brand-new with an extra magazine and a dot sight for only 30 bucks... tough choice indeed, leading to me wishing i had either a job or a ton of money. Anyways for the time being im going to just shut up and enjoy my life the way it is right now at this VERY INSTANT. MEOW IMA KITTEH. HMMM im listening to Breaking Benjamin... i wanna see them live SOOO BAD!!!!  So for now im going to end the post because i have nothing more to write about for now. so i guess i'll see you all TOMORROW!!! :P

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who has time for semantics?

So today i felt like talking about something different for once instead of the usual randomness. So today im going to talk about my life. OH YES, MY LIFE. Im going to avoid specifics and just jump right into the fact that my life is HORRIBLY DULL, as nothing interesting EVER happens. I swear to god sometimes i dont even feel like i HAVE a life. I would say that my life is random but this statement is untrue most times, although there are a few times where i have something completely catch me off guard... like reading some of the things Kenny types about... O_O see that? i made a frog face... RIBBIT!!!! lol...see? random. Anyways i cant wait for anime club today, because it's always fun for me >:) Im kinda sad because Cassid said she wasn't going to club anymore... >:/ but oh well it's still going to be fun. So anyways im going to end the post early today. SEEYOU LATAHHH

Monday, March 21, 2011

So what's the deal with airline food anyways?

So today has been a pretty good day so far and i planned on spending the rest of the day with my girlfriend, and the whole weekend was awesome and i was never really *bored* at all, but whatever. I realized today that i have WAY too many sweatshirts/hoodies, so i gave one to my girlfriend. Kenny is reading his posts that he posted. STALK MODE ACTIVATE. I remember friday Kenny slapped my leg so i like slapped him in the face, and now he's stalking me while i read my own posts and while i type my new ones. Bre is FLIPPING OUT saying STOP TOUCHING ME!!!! lol... I kinda feel like playing monopoly later today but i know i wont because noone will play it with me eve though if they do i can never seem to finish a game because i get so bored or annoyed with losing... so i bet i wont do that. Apparently IM A HUUUUUUUUGGGEEEEEE STALKING CREEPER, which just so happens to be true. BRB Ok im back, i had to switch seats because Cassie just got back from taking her test... though for what her test was about i'll never know because i don't feel like asking her. So now anyways i got super bored in English class so i fell asleep... i don't think that was a good idea. Im not entirely sure if i should be walking home today, because its snowing... then again i dont really care about snow... other than the face that i want it to DIE. Today, lunch was pretty good, as i had tacos again, they weren't as crunchy as normal so there were even better than normal, even though i dont mind the tacos when they're crunchy because they still taste just as good. Wow i just went from the weekends to talking about tacos... AWESOME! >:) I dont really know why, but it seems like every time i pass certain people in the hall after ever period it seems like some of them want to like... murder me and im all like O.O and scared and stuff, though other times im not... and i just keep walking. Im kinda bored because im all the way over here and stuff, even though the others really aren't that far away... wow i can still hear them and they're talking about some WEIRD STUFF O_O. I kind of want to not go home today, because there's nothing to do there... and its so boring... UGH... But i promised my girlfriend i would spend the day with her today, so im going to. Anyways i feel a little bit annoyed right now because the snow just keeps coming and i want it to go away already. Have i mentioned that i hate snow?, because i do. anyways im going to end my post for the day now... so uhhh see you later >:D

Friday, March 18, 2011

What is love, baby dont hurt me...

So today is pretty much a good day, because the weather is awesome and the conditions are also good. I swear to god Melissa wants to kill me because i wont switch seats with her >:O Now im an evil kitten that's laughing at everyone else for being themselves. See? im totally evil and laughing... bwahaha. i dont feel like posting anything important today, im more for just doing random stuff im just gonna post this now. :P

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So for today im not going to be posting much, because my brain is running at a slower capacity than normal. I mean seriously i feel stupid today... i keep missing what people say and i lose interest in everything in a matter of seconds.i think i fell asleep in every class today, but i might not have. anyways Im supposed to be having a good day and so far, im not... why you ask??? because IM BORED.Anyways i dont feel like typing anything else for the time being so im gonna just post this now :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So today was actually not what i had expected... yesterday was an awesome day up till around 9:00. but i'm not going into detail about that, because it was quite unpleasant indeed. today has been a mixture of me being tired, annoyed and over all bored... The weather for today was also just absolutely horrible as well. by the time lunch rolled around i wanted to go home and i didn't eat most of my lunch because i felt sick to my stomach for the whole lunch period. Well there's not much going on for today, i'll probably just go home and go to bed, though i may just go hang out with Kenny after school... but i might not be able to because my mom might still be on me about not going anywhere because she's being a jerk lately. I found myself quite depressed today for other reasons i'm not going to state. Bre is sitting next to me and she seems to be writing about something i don't particularly care about, which is Mr. Mitchell's class. She seems to be getting annoyed with something, but i cant seem to figure out what that is. Bre just called me a jerk :/ i have FEELINGS and now they're hurt :(. Melissa once again to the far right of me, seems to be in her own little world, devoid of all reason... im not entirely sure exactly WHAT she's doing, but she seems to be talking about crackers >.< or something like that. and now they're both laughing at me because im typing about thiiiiiiiiiiiiis ^^^^^^. oh well i DONT CARE. im not going to end the blog early today like i had for the last few days. that's just a load of horsewash.... horsewash??? really??? i guess so... or mayber not? oh well onto the next thing... i wondered earlier if i should get a tattoo on my back but i have not the slightest clue what to get there... anyone got any ideas??? i know i dont lol >.> but it think something like a name or something would be stupid. it's raining outside and im actually glad it's raining for once in my life, because the rain is getting rid of the snow... HOORAAAYYYYY i hate snow,

Bre was here

OK, back to me actually typing , because Bre hijacked my computer like the evil terrorist that she is. i swear to god she's from Pakistan or something.. or maybe Istanbul... wherever Bre is from must be an evil evil evil horrible place, full of murderers and thieves constantly trying to get ahead of each other in life and creating the constant, never-ending chain of hate and greed. or she could be from somewhere like Lisbon, which is ten times worse than anything i just described... im starting to run out of random things to write about and im starting to get worried. Maybe Bre or Melissa know what to type about... but i don't feel like asking either of them. Bre is typing about being in a room with two adult men and wanting to puke... i do NOT want to know what is going on in her head or what she might possibly have done in the past, because it's probably too horrific to describe. anyways, i have no more material as of now so im gonna go away now. bye peoples and try to actually finish reading this without laughing. i know i cant... and i wrote it >:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today today tooday :/

So anyways today is CAKE PARTY DAY!!!! itz gonna be super fun lol :P. anyways i didn't do much of anything in school today... mostly slept in every class, and that wasn't exactly FUN but at least i didn't have to do anything... So Anime club should be super amazing today, i've been looking forward to club for a while now, seeing as we didn't have it last week :/ onto my next topic, i decided to actually do something with my life this afternoon :D im not telling anyone but im just going to say it's gonna be fun <3 :D :) >:P >:) lol so many faces.
Kenny here: I know what you're doin'.... F... M... L! -_- Lucky litttle- -_0

OK im back now and Kenny is such a NERD... lol he's all jealous of what i get to do tonight... But alas what to do??? im so bored right now and i cant think of anything to right about... maybe semantics??? no that wont do... But what about Tacos??? or maybe FISH... fish-tacos? oh well i got bored. time to post.

Monday, March 14, 2011

the news for today!!! AGAIN!!! scrom nom

oh boy well it seems I finally got over being sick! whoohoo. so anyways i hated being sick because i didnt get to go anywhere... i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored! i was stuck in my room and oh god it was horrible!!!! :/ Bre is reading what im a girl

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


alright guys it's time for a new blog yet again and i've decided to choose the topic of global warming! why global warming you ask? i chose this topic because Maine seems to be getting a lot of snow recently, even though there was a major dispute about how the world was going to increase in temperature. they claimed that we were all going to die because the ozone  layers were going to disappear and there would be no way to stop radiation from killing every living thing on the face of the earth... Intense stuff huh??? i read about that the first time and i was dumbfounded, because the thought of dying via radiation is a new idea to me, you know because i've never heard of death by radiation in anything today *cough* fallout 3 *cough*... anyways i thought i would bring this subject to your attention dear readers because i deemed it interesting enough to pique my interests... funny huh? NOT. honestly its one of the most BORING things i've ever read in my entire life... i'd rather hear of things like political assassinations and the sort. which reminds me, Mr's Mckee told me a story about how she was in college during JFK's assassination, it was pretty boring so i fell asleep , as i usually do in her class. back to global warming, i WANT THE SNOW TO DIE. Snow is the PURE essence of EVIL, as it's cold,wet and can bury you ALIVE and THEN kill you... i've never actually had a reason to hate the snow till up about 4 years ago when my dad dislocated a disk in his back, rendering it impossible for him to go to work and therefore our income was frozen for a few weeks and we could only spend money on food. anyways that is why i hate snow... on to the planet's temperature going up, that would SUCK if it went up too high, because we'd all like burn to death, and i don't go so well with being burnt... not fun i would assume. on another note, Kenny got kicked out of the library today for being off task apparently... oh well i guess it couldn't be helped. Melissa, Bre and Cassie are ALL THE WAY OVER THERE..... so i like cant talk to them, which makes me very sad :( i wonder what they're talking about??? probably something insane and nonsensical, which i would understand... because that's how i roll :P anyways end of blog #4 :P

Monday, March 7, 2011

Random nonsensical babble part 2

oh boy, what to talk about today... possibly an archaic forgotten language... i confuse myself sometimes, i was debating on if i should use archaic forgotten language or forgotten archaic language. i guess i'm going to use both of them >:P indeed though what is the purpose of life? i don't think anyone knows really... so i guess im going to stop asking the question... unless someone knows the answer... anyways im bored, and Melissa and Bre seem to be having fun messing with Melissa's mouse or... Bre's mouse??? im not sure. what does this have to do with anything??? Now Bre and Melissa are talking about sexy sumo wrestlers... >:O i dont think i want to jump in on this conversation. on to other topics, i felt like crap up till lunch today... probably because i was hungry... or maybe i was just in a bad mood... well it matters not, because im fine now :) Bre is REALLY starting to scare me today... Now Melissa is typing things on Bre's computer so now im confused as to what is really going on... also im a little scared now because Melissa is laughing at some unseen THING... i want to know what she's laughing at. apparently it's about Melissa wanting to be a large black man >:O man i need to get on topic here... what was i talking about again??? something about forgotten languages??? i don't know anymore... so now im going to start talking about my life as i see fit... so i was sitting in my room yesterday pondering on what i should and i decided to take a massive nap (+4 hours of sleep). Melissa is leaving now :P i'm kinda creeped out because Bre decided to GRAB MY ARM for no reason at all O.O  MELISSA JUST GOT YELLED AT >:O THIS CONCERNS ME. Anyways now ima stop typing and post this, so go ahead and read it now peoples :P

Friday, March 4, 2011

the news for today!!!

Alright people so this is how it's going down. i made my blogspot today and i felt like saying that this has taken way too long! i feel the need to tell you that i am soft and adorable, like a kitten :). hehe see what i did there? NO YOU DIDN'T. Bre seems to be laughing at Melissa about her so called future third husband... interesting?, you be the judge :P Kenny is sitting next to me and he seems to be getting *PISSED OFF* at his computer, although for what, is uncertain... I've always been one for speculation but this time i just don't seem to care... or do i? No, i dont... lol anyways it would seem that i am here again wasting more time or entertaining the few who will eventually read my posts. :( im sad, as Bre cant seem to find my posts :( :( see how sad i am? im gonna stop blogging now caus im so sad :(

random nonsensical babble part 1

For some insane reason I just started typing random words, as I feel the need to be important… HMMM what do you think of that society??? Well it certainly comes down to how you look at it… sometimes I want to be annoying and sometimes I feel like being quiet. Oh by the way my font size is larger than normal, because I’m typing very angrily… GRRRRRRRRRR….. so anyways anyone reading this should instantly notice that I am very random and sometimes yell random things at different random people just because I feel like yelling, thus rendering the stereotype of a spaz. I read from there on in Cassie’s Story and it STILL DIDN’T MAKE SENSE. Haha I suppose I shouldn’t be typing these random things and actually do some work for once, but I don’t feel like it :P in the end I suppose it at least LOOKS like I’m doing something important. I’m so counterproductive because I like to waste time. I mean seriously if I spent about the same amount of time doing work as I do slacking off and doing nothing but sleeping in class, I might actually get somewhere. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA see? Derisive laughter at Cassie just because she’s tickling her own back… not weird at all is it? I don’t think so… but eh whatever…. I suppose I’m going to continue writing random things untill I get BANNED from the library due to not doing any work hehe :D And I swear to god (which I don’t believe in) that I will strangle you if you watch me type… even though I do it to other people sitting next to me… see what I did there??? The more I type the more delirious I seem to get in my crazy nonsensical writings. Im going to go back to reading about Vladimir Lenin even though I’m not GATHERING ANYTHING from any of the things I read… have I ever mentioned to anyone that I LOVE to rant about random subjects for NO  reason at all? WOW KENNY… he loves to call me names… :/ In other news Cassie is sitting next to me working on stuff about things I don’t know. WOAH, Melissa viewed Cassie’s blogggggggg TWENTY NINE TIMES >:O…. am I contributing any of your works???????? I suppose not, but eh… prove me wrong??? Anyone, someone tell me im doing something right… PLEASE??? Melissa says that blogspot is being funky in a non-good way… :O that’s not exactly what I expected to hear… once again all of the things I hear are either cold logic or complete babble or nonsense. Deciding if the things I hear are any of the three, it’s for you to decide. I hate the fact that we have rules in the library… kinda stupid huh? Cassie found the greatest picture of the most crazy face I’ve ever seen in the entirety of my life, also we were looking at pictures of adorable kittens <3 I’m so sad today, cause everyone is so far away. I like wanna cry :’( Bre is the closest but she’s still two seats down from me L… im gonna wave to Bre now… I waved to Bre :P Im gonna wave to everyone else even though most of them can’t even see me L. Also, the office called Kenny down and they got his last name wrong… they called him Kenny Alice. LOL, Bre’s moving things around on the computer next to hers even though there’s no one even using it… kinda weird caus it’s got a Kid Cudi Wallpaper… I hate kid cudi… and I don’t really care for rap…. Anyways I’m just typing what comes to mind as well as what I see and hear… but I can’t really hear anything because I’m listening to music and well that’s going to make it hard to hear anything lol… I wonder what Melissa and Cassie are doing????... they seem to be discussing things to Bre… INTERESTING… wow it feels strange being all by myself and it’s kind of depressing. Well anyways, the things I see are quite interesting. Oh well, I suppose it doesn’t really matter anyways… Kenny is staring at me… ughhhhhh kinda creepy if you ask me… I want to go home already, but I decided to stay after school and hang out with Dillon… which reminds me that I should text my mother and inform her that I’m staying after school… she kinda flipped on me last time I did that and didn’t tell her… so anyways… day two of typing random things lol :P I want to say hi to Bre… so I think I will in REALLY BIG PRINT… so I said hi to Bre in really big print and she smiled and I’m sure she must have laughed a bit on the inside… Well there really is no telling what people are thinking anyways, but it’s always fun to try and guess… I need to post this on like…. BLOGSPOT OR SOMETHING!!! I should try to see if I can at least get to a thousand words today… it really shouldn’t be too hard if I actually try… I mean come on, I’m adding more words to it by merely stating that I’m going to try to get to a thousand words. Typing is really fun, and I really ought to make my own blogspot, caus it seems like it would a lot of fun. I just poked the mouse of the computer next to mine, because the screensaver came on and I felt like messing it up. Kenny appears to be reading now… I wonder what he was doing before…? Oh, well I suppose it doesn’t really matter anyways because its none of my business… oh wow would you look at that? I’m so close to a thousand words :P i kinda want to move over one seat… I think I’m going to… no one will notice hehe. But I really have to get to a thousand words. Oh look at that now I have more than a thousand words…