Monday, March 7, 2011

Random nonsensical babble part 2

oh boy, what to talk about today... possibly an archaic forgotten language... i confuse myself sometimes, i was debating on if i should use archaic forgotten language or forgotten archaic language. i guess i'm going to use both of them >:P indeed though what is the purpose of life? i don't think anyone knows really... so i guess im going to stop asking the question... unless someone knows the answer... anyways im bored, and Melissa and Bre seem to be having fun messing with Melissa's mouse or... Bre's mouse??? im not sure. what does this have to do with anything??? Now Bre and Melissa are talking about sexy sumo wrestlers... >:O i dont think i want to jump in on this conversation. on to other topics, i felt like crap up till lunch today... probably because i was hungry... or maybe i was just in a bad mood... well it matters not, because im fine now :) Bre is REALLY starting to scare me today... Now Melissa is typing things on Bre's computer so now im confused as to what is really going on... also im a little scared now because Melissa is laughing at some unseen THING... i want to know what she's laughing at. apparently it's about Melissa wanting to be a large black man >:O man i need to get on topic here... what was i talking about again??? something about forgotten languages??? i don't know anymore... so now im going to start talking about my life as i see fit... so i was sitting in my room yesterday pondering on what i should and i decided to take a massive nap (+4 hours of sleep). Melissa is leaving now :P i'm kinda creeped out because Bre decided to GRAB MY ARM for no reason at all O.O  MELISSA JUST GOT YELLED AT >:O THIS CONCERNS ME. Anyways now ima stop typing and post this, so go ahead and read it now peoples :P

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