Friday, March 4, 2011

random nonsensical babble part 1

For some insane reason I just started typing random words, as I feel the need to be important… HMMM what do you think of that society??? Well it certainly comes down to how you look at it… sometimes I want to be annoying and sometimes I feel like being quiet. Oh by the way my font size is larger than normal, because I’m typing very angrily… GRRRRRRRRRR….. so anyways anyone reading this should instantly notice that I am very random and sometimes yell random things at different random people just because I feel like yelling, thus rendering the stereotype of a spaz. I read from there on in Cassie’s Story and it STILL DIDN’T MAKE SENSE. Haha I suppose I shouldn’t be typing these random things and actually do some work for once, but I don’t feel like it :P in the end I suppose it at least LOOKS like I’m doing something important. I’m so counterproductive because I like to waste time. I mean seriously if I spent about the same amount of time doing work as I do slacking off and doing nothing but sleeping in class, I might actually get somewhere. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA see? Derisive laughter at Cassie just because she’s tickling her own back… not weird at all is it? I don’t think so… but eh whatever…. I suppose I’m going to continue writing random things untill I get BANNED from the library due to not doing any work hehe :D And I swear to god (which I don’t believe in) that I will strangle you if you watch me type… even though I do it to other people sitting next to me… see what I did there??? The more I type the more delirious I seem to get in my crazy nonsensical writings. Im going to go back to reading about Vladimir Lenin even though I’m not GATHERING ANYTHING from any of the things I read… have I ever mentioned to anyone that I LOVE to rant about random subjects for NO  reason at all? WOW KENNY… he loves to call me names… :/ In other news Cassie is sitting next to me working on stuff about things I don’t know. WOAH, Melissa viewed Cassie’s blogggggggg TWENTY NINE TIMES >:O…. am I contributing any of your works???????? I suppose not, but eh… prove me wrong??? Anyone, someone tell me im doing something right… PLEASE??? Melissa says that blogspot is being funky in a non-good way… :O that’s not exactly what I expected to hear… once again all of the things I hear are either cold logic or complete babble or nonsense. Deciding if the things I hear are any of the three, it’s for you to decide. I hate the fact that we have rules in the library… kinda stupid huh? Cassie found the greatest picture of the most crazy face I’ve ever seen in the entirety of my life, also we were looking at pictures of adorable kittens <3 I’m so sad today, cause everyone is so far away. I like wanna cry :’( Bre is the closest but she’s still two seats down from me L… im gonna wave to Bre now… I waved to Bre :P Im gonna wave to everyone else even though most of them can’t even see me L. Also, the office called Kenny down and they got his last name wrong… they called him Kenny Alice. LOL, Bre’s moving things around on the computer next to hers even though there’s no one even using it… kinda weird caus it’s got a Kid Cudi Wallpaper… I hate kid cudi… and I don’t really care for rap…. Anyways I’m just typing what comes to mind as well as what I see and hear… but I can’t really hear anything because I’m listening to music and well that’s going to make it hard to hear anything lol… I wonder what Melissa and Cassie are doing????... they seem to be discussing things to Bre… INTERESTING… wow it feels strange being all by myself and it’s kind of depressing. Well anyways, the things I see are quite interesting. Oh well, I suppose it doesn’t really matter anyways… Kenny is staring at me… ughhhhhh kinda creepy if you ask me… I want to go home already, but I decided to stay after school and hang out with Dillon… which reminds me that I should text my mother and inform her that I’m staying after school… she kinda flipped on me last time I did that and didn’t tell her… so anyways… day two of typing random things lol :P I want to say hi to Bre… so I think I will in REALLY BIG PRINT… so I said hi to Bre in really big print and she smiled and I’m sure she must have laughed a bit on the inside… Well there really is no telling what people are thinking anyways, but it’s always fun to try and guess… I need to post this on like…. BLOGSPOT OR SOMETHING!!! I should try to see if I can at least get to a thousand words today… it really shouldn’t be too hard if I actually try… I mean come on, I’m adding more words to it by merely stating that I’m going to try to get to a thousand words. Typing is really fun, and I really ought to make my own blogspot, caus it seems like it would a lot of fun. I just poked the mouse of the computer next to mine, because the screensaver came on and I felt like messing it up. Kenny appears to be reading now… I wonder what he was doing before…? Oh, well I suppose it doesn’t really matter anyways because its none of my business… oh wow would you look at that? I’m so close to a thousand words :P i kinda want to move over one seat… I think I’m going to… no one will notice hehe. But I really have to get to a thousand words. Oh look at that now I have more than a thousand words…

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